HV United Basketball League (Boys) - Spring Middle School

Youth Sports Leagues / Youth Basketball Leagues (Future Stars/HV United/Inter-School Boys) -
Winter/Spring 2025

HV United Basketball League is an in-house league that provides the opportunity for students to learn and play basketball in a recreational setting.  Our program focuses on skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship and FUN!

This recreational program utilizes volunteers for coaching (this volunteer will likely be a parent).  

~Practices scheduled to start the week of March 31. Each team will be assigned 1 M-F for 60-90 minute increments at various HVS schools 

~Games will be played on Saturdays starting April 5 and we will be done by Memorial Day (no games on April 19 due to Easter).

HV Rec and Ed will now provide 2 paid scorekeepers per game so parents no longer have to help at the scoretable.

Register 2 or more children for the Basketball league and receive a $5 discount for each additional child. Discounts applied at checkout.  

Parents/guardians who volunteer to coach will receive a discount on their child's registration fees.  This will be refunded back AFTER we confirm who the coaches will be for the season.

Coaches clinic TBD

Coaches Meeting to review season expectations, schedules, etc is set for TBD.  Details will be forwarded to coaches a few days before the meeting.

Registration fees won't be collected until February 1, 2025.

Team Selection Criteria: (No Guarantees)

1. Date of Registration 

2. Coach/friend request 

3. Preferred practice night 

4. School Attending

5. Place on team that needs players

8WS5225 (Gr 6/7)

  HV Rec and Ed Staff

Grades   6th - 7th

$ 119.00
Registration Fee
8WS5225 (Gr 7/8)

  HV Rec and Ed Staff

Grades   7th - 8th

$ 119.00
Registration Fee