Future Stars Basketball League (Boys) 3rd-5th Grade: Spring Session

Youth Sports Leagues / Youth Basketball Leagues (Future Stars/HV United/Inter-School Boys) -
Winter/Spring 2025

Future Stars is an in-house league that provides the opportunity for students to learn and play basketball in a recreational setting.  Our program focuses on skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship and FUN!

This instructional program utilizes volunteers for coaching (this volunteer will likely be a parent).  We will limit each division to just 4 teams or 40 kids for this mini-session.

~Practices scheduled to start the week of March 31. Each team will be assigned 1 practice for 60-90 minute increments at various HVS schools 

~Games will be played on Saturdays starting April 5 and we'll be done before Memorial Day (no games on April 19 due to Easter).

Team Selection Criteria: (No Guarantees)

1. Date of Registration 

2. Coach/friend request 

3. School Attending

4. preferred practice night

5. Place on team that needs players

8WSHV00 (3rd-5th Grade)

  HV Rec and Ed Staff

Grades   2nd - 5th

$ 119.00
Registration Fee