Welcome to HV Rec & Community Ed

Inspiring and Building Futures, One Experience at a Time.  We Change Lives!

Youth ~ Family ~ Adult

Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt!

Join us Tuesday, April 8 for a hopping good time at our Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt! We will have games, prizes, a craft, and a special visit from the Easter Bunny himself! Pre-registration required.

Empower Hour Classes!

Empower Hour is a Before/After-School Enrichment/Recreation Program offered at the Elementary Schools.

Interested in teaching a class with us?  Click HERE and fill out our interest form now!

HV United Volleyball Club

Click HERE to learn more now!

Tryouts for the 24-25 season will be over the summer. Click HERE to register now!. Contact us at Shannon.Loso@hvs.org for details.

Register for our Weekly 
E-Newsletter HERE and never miss out on what's happening in HV Rec and Ed!

Information for Youth Sports Leagues

Parent's Page - What's Next?

Check out our new Parent's Page to help our families navigate the season! Click HERE now!

Coach's Corner

Check out our new Coach's Corner to help our volunteer coaches navigate the season! Click HERE now!

Lakeland Open Swim & Fitness Classes

Click HERE to view more information about our programs. 

Land Fitness Classes

Yoga, Silver Sneakers Circuit, Bootcamp, and more!

Water Aerobics

Morning Aqua Fitness, Deep Water Circuit and Deep Water Aerobics. To view our water aerobics schedule click HERE.

Lakeland Pool - 248-676-2341

Open Swim/Lap Swim

Click HERE for current Lakeland Lap Swim Weekly Schedule

Lakeland Pool - 248-676-2341

Have an idea that you want to share?

We strive to meet/exceed your expectations when it comes to adult and youth enrichment and recreational programming (and special events). The Idea Room is a place that you can submit ideas for new programs/events/etc. If you have something you'd like to see us offering, please share your ideas HERE!

Give the Gift of an "EXPERIENCE"

Looking to share the gift of lifelong learning with others? Have someone who is hard to shop for or looking for an "experience" gift? We can apply your gift card purchase to the enrollment of a family member or friend! Recipients can use gift cards on all of Community Education's programs.

We are HIRING!

Refs for Basketball, Volleyball and Soccer

Enrichment and Recreation Instructors

Lifeguards & Front Desk Staff

Interested?  Complete THIS APPLICATION and submit to infohvreced@hvs.org today!

Volunteer With Us!

We are passionate about incorporating volunteers into our  programs. Volunteers invigorate and contribute to a nurturing and vibrant learning environment.  Whether you can volunteer for all of our events or just one or two, we would love to work with you.  If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at infohvreced@hvs.org 

Click HERE for our Background Screen Form!

Questions? We're Here to Help!

We are here to help answer your questions. 

  • Email: infohvreced@hvs.org
  • Call: 248-676-8390
  • Office location: 2390 S. Milford Rd, Highland, MI 48357 (inside the Admin Building near Milford HS)

Interested in renting space in Huron Valley Schools?

Please contact Jill Coon @ Jill.Coon@hvs.org or click HERE for rental forms, rates and details.